Monday, July 15, 2013


                    Teachers are at the very heart of our educational system. An Improvement in our Education demands not only a qualitative improvement in the content and methods adopted , but teachers who are professionally well-equipped and intellectually well-endowed.

                  The National Curriculum  Frame work 2005 pays attention to the role of the teacher, and acknowledges that a teacher works in multifarious contexts. A teacher should be knowledgeable not just about the background of students, and the national and international contexts in which education operates. She should also be concerned about achieving the aims and objectives of equity, social justice, gender equality and excellence. She should be sensitive and answerable towards national concerns. In order to fulfill these expectations it is necessary that teacher-education encompasses such elements as are required for making teachers capable in these respects.    

1 comment:

  1. Teacher should be like this to make this society as an educated one.
    by Kaviyarasan
